More classes can be gained by collecting knowledge points and crafting class papers in the research table, as well as by completing the Acquire Station Tools Quest Chain.
Each class will start a quest line relevant the profession of your choosing, as well as include specific benefits and recipes. With this clipboard, you will make a choice on how you want to play the game by choosing which class to follow. 75 of BAT occur in motor vehicle accidents, in which rapid deceleration may propel the driver into the steering wheel, dashboard, or seatbelt, causing contusions in less serious cases, or rupture of internal organs from briefly increased intraluminal pressure in the more serious. Once you start the game, after opening your starting pack, located on your hotbar in slot #2, one of the items available in your inventory is a class selection clipboard. Blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) represents 75 of all blunt trauma and is the most common example of this injury.